Remon® – the complete solution for security and monitoring

If you own a caravan, motorhome or boat that is empty for periods of time, you will naturally have concerns about security and damage. Remon® will constantly monitor the status of your asset, take action as necessary and notify issues by SMS text straight to your mobile phone

Remon® is a comprehensive and secure solution that provides peace-of-mind about the status of your caravan, motorhome or boat.

Remon® records temperature, humidity, battery status, location and movement. It provides very local weather conditions from the British Met Office with a 5 day, 3-hourly forecast.

Data is securely stored and can be accessed for current values, to monitor trends and to show information from previous journeys.

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Where was I...?

Temperature, humidity, battery level

Collision, Intruder, Theft

What is Remon®?